Pupil Leaders

As part of our learning culture at Forest, we believe that all children should have a say in how our school is run and how our curriculum is designed. We believe that this prepares them for later life and sets them up with life skills that are important. This is done through a range of different pupil leader groups:

School Council

The school council is an integral part of our decision-making process at Forest. Every year, two new councillors from each class are voted for by their peers and invited to share a regular school questions and updates with their class. These discussions are linked with decisions to be made in the school, for example, 'What after school clubs would you like to have?' Ideas from each class are then fed back in school council meetings and used to inform decisions made by staff.

We value the opinions of the children at our school and believe that having an active school council enables us to work together as a community to provide the very best experiences for all at Forest.

Digital Leaders

Responsible for working with our computing lead to support promoting online safety throughout the school


Responsible for making sure that the school is running in an eco-friendly, sustainable way

Wellness Warriors

Each school year new wellness warriors embark on their new role in supporting children at playtimes

Prayer Council

Are a group of children, two children from every year group, who meet weekly. Prayer Council have the responsibility of monitoring and evaluating worship at their meetings as well as thinking of new and exciting ideas for our worship and for opportunities for prayer in school. The children focus on the spiritual development of everyone within our school.

Head/Deputy boy/girl

Responsible for role modelling and representing the pupils in the school

Value Ambassadors

In Year 6, our oldest children in the school are invited to take on the role of Value Ambassadors. Children are appointed as ambassadors t0 one of the school's 4 key values of either Respect, Compassion, Humility and Courage and are asked to promote this value in different ways throughout the school year. Each week a different core school value is chosen as a focus by the value ambassadors.