In order to achieve our whole school intent, we have identified 3 Golden Threads that weave through our curriculum and underpin everything we do. This means that in delivering our curriculum we are embedding our school Christian Values, developing knowledge and skills progressively over time with an ambitious and aspiring curriculum whilst immersing our children in language rich teaching.

Art gives children the space to develop their creative imagination, enabling them to communicate what they see, feel and think through a range of tools, media and materials. During their time at Forest and Sandridge children are given regular opportunities to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design. Skills and techniques are taught progressively to ensure that all children are able to learn and practice in order to develop as they move through the school. Throughout the key stages children's experience of art is enriched by finding out about famous artists (past and present), working with local artists on project and exploring our local environment for inspiration. It is our intent to we equip children with the language they need to be able to form and articulate an opinion on art pieces by talking confidently and critically about art. We aim to ensure that all children are given high quality experiences, including those who may not have these opportunities outside of school.

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