
Forest & Sandridge CE Primary School ensures the learning children do in school incorporates the national curriculum and government initiatives. To find out more about the national curriculum and our whole school intent please see the links below.



At Forest & Sandridge CE Primary School, our vision is: nurture, grow, flourish, based on Jeremiah 29:11 - "For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord… "Plans to give you HOPE and FUTURE". We all, adults and children alike, hold our vision and associated core values as central to all we do in school:

  • Courage
  • Compassion
  • Respect
  • Humility

The national curriculum is the starting point for our curriculum design and describes the subject areas that we teach discreetly. However, where purposeful and strong links between subject content can be made, we make these links to support children in building on and recapping prior learning, making learning even more purposeful and supporting children to know more and remember more. We have identified 3 Golden Threads that weave through our curriculum and underpin everything we do. This means that in delivering our curriculum we are embedding our school Christian Values, developing knowledge and skills progressively over time with an ambitious and aspiring curriculum whilst immersing our children in language rich teaching.

To ensure our themes include a breadth and depth of knowledge, understanding, and skills, we follow our Breadth of Study documents, based on the national curriculum 2014. Please read our Breadth of Study documents for more detailed information.

In order to achieve our whole school intent, we have identified 3 Golden Threads that weave through our curriculum and underpin everything we do. This means that in delivering our curriculum we are embedding our school Christian Values, developing knowledge and skills progressively over time with an ambitious and aspiring curriculum whilst immersing our children in language rich teaching.

Breadth of Study Documents

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Staying up to Date

Each term, parents and carers are sent a curriculum letter outlining each year groups learning for that term. The newsletter shows the themes and skills covered during the term and helps parents and carers to follow their child's learning from home. You can also find more information on our Subject Areas page.

For more information about the curriculum, please do not hesitate to make an appointment to see your child's class teacher.