Community and Engagement

Engaging with our school community is a key priority for us here at Forest and Sandridge. We welcome parents into our school to learn and worship alongside our children.





Golden Book Celebration - Weekly

Harvest Service 2022

Term 1 and 2 Newsletters

Meet the Teacher Meetings

EYFS- New to Forest

Parent Tours

Parent Forum 1

Melksham Baptist Rev Josh Parmar led Worship

Oak Class Worship
Whole School

Whole School

Whole School

Whole School

EYFS Parents

2023 Cohort

Whole School

Whole School

Oak Class


Reading Family Learning Morning

EYFS/Year 1 Phonics Family Learning Morning

Golden Book Celebration - Weekly

Open Morning 2023-2024

Wiltshire Learning Visitor Year 5 and 6

Melksham Baptist Rev Josh Parmar led Worship

Poplar Class Worship
Whole School

EYFS and Year 1 School

Whole School

2023 Cohort

Year 5 and 6

Whole School

Poplar Class


Maths Family Learning Morning

EYFS Maths Workshop

Golden Book Celebration - Weekly

Parents Evenings

Open Morning 2023-2024

Parent Forum 2

Remembrance Service 2022

Melksham Baptist Rev Josh Parmar led Worship

Maple Class Worship

Melksham Event- Planting Tree Saplings at the local park

Year 4 Swimming at Melksham Oak Community Campus

Whole School

EYFS Parents

Whole School

Whole School

2023 Cohort

Whole School

Whole School

Whole School

Maple Class

Year 5/6


Christingle Service at St Andrew's

Advent Reflections

Candle-lit Carol Service

Golden Book Celebration - Weekly

KS1 Nativity

Seedlings and EYFS Nativity

Football Competition

Melksham Baptist Rev Josh Parmar led Worship

Chestnut Class Worship

Year 4 Swimming at Melksham Oak Community Campus

Middle School Parents

Whole School

Whole School

Whole School

KS1 Parents

Seedlings and EYFS Parents

Year 5/6 Parents

Whole School

Chestnut Parents


Term 3 and 4 Newsletters

Golden Book Celebration - Weekly

Melksham Baptist Rev Josh Parmar led Worship

Rowan Class Worship

Computing Family Learning Morning

Young Voices- Birmingham

Melksham Oak Bench Ball Tournament

Year 3 Swimming at Melksham Oak Community Campus

Whole School

Whole School

Rowan Parents

Whole School



Year 3


Golden Book Celebration - Weekly

Melksham Baptist Rev Josh Parmar led Worship

Dance Festival- Bath

Sycamore Class Worship

Netball Tournament

Year 3 Swimming at Melksham Oak Community Campus

Whole School

Whole School

KS2 Parents

Sycamore Parents



Birch Class Worship

Year 3 Swimming at Melksham Oak Community Campus

Lent Reflections

Lower School Lent Service

Walk Safe in School

Year 3 Roman Bath Trip

Tag Rugby Competition

West Wilts Tag Rugby Competition

Golden Book Worship

Easter Service

Golden Book (Weekly)

Science Family Learning Morning

Elm Class Worship

Ash Class Worship

Year 3 Swimming at Melksham Campus

Birch Parents

Whole School

Lower School Parents

Whole School

Year 3

Year 3

Year 3

Year 5/6

Whole School

Whole School

Whole School

Whole School

Ash Parents

Elm Parents

Ash Parents

Year 3


Golden Book Celebration – Weekly

Book Fair April 2023

Year 4 Residential- Wye Valley

Parent Forum

Year 3 Swimming at Melksham Oak Community Campus

Willow Class Worship




Golden Book Celebration - Weekly

PTA Coronation Disco

Coronation Day- Local secondary and primary schools attended

Year 5 Swimming at Melksham Oak Community Campus

Parent Forum

Family Learning Morning RE

New EYFS Parent Morning 2023-2024

Holly Class Worship

Whole School

Whole School

Whole School and local community

Year 3

Whole School

Whole School

New Parents


Year 1



Golden Book Celebration - Weekly

Seedlings Sports Day

Whole School Sports Day

Year 6 Residential- Black Rock

Year 6 Swimming at Melksham Oak Community Campus

Parent Forum

Outdoor Classroom Day

Cherry Class Worship

Apple Class Worship


Whole School


Whole School

Year 6

Year 6

Whole School

Whole School

Foundation Stage

Foundation Stage


Golden Book Celebration - Weekly

Foundation Stage- Stay and Play for Cohort 2023-2024

Year 6 Bike Ability

Year 1 Trip to Longleat

KS2 Production- Lion King

Year 6 Leaver's Service

PTA End of Year Disco

Whole School

New Parents

Year 6

Year 1

Whole School

Year 6

Whole School


Golden Book Celebration - Weekly

Harvest Service 2023

Meet the Teacher Meetings

EYFS- New to Forest

Parent Tours

Parent Forum 1

Pastor Tom Yates led Worship

Pine Class Worship

Year 4 Swimming at Melksham Oak Community Campus


Welcome Back PTA Event


Mini Police Induction


Dentist in with Year 2

Whole School

Whole School

Whole School

EYFS Parents

2024 Cohort

Whole School

Whole School

Pine Class


Year 4


Community Event


KS2 Children


Year 2


Golden Book Celebration - Weekly

Opening Morning for New Parents

Parents Evening

Term 1 Newsletter via The Sway

Family Learning Morning- Writing

Golden Book Celebration - Weekly

Beech Class Worship

Elder Class Worship

EYFS Workshop- Phonics

PP and SEND Catch up and chat

FOF Tournament at Bowerhill Field

Dance Festival in Trowbridge

Cross Country Event at Melksham Oak


Whole School


Whole School

Whole School


Whole School


Whole School

Beech Class

Elder Class

EYFS Parents

Parents of children who have SEND or are entitled to PPG.

Year 2,3,4,5,6






RE and Church School Distinctiveness Family Learning Morning

EYFS Maths Workshop

Golden Book Celebration - Weekly

Open Morning 2024-2025

Parent Forum 2

Remembrance Service 2023

Pastor Tom Yates Led Worship

Elder Class Worship

Year 4 Swimming at Melksham Oak Community Campus

Christmas Community Fun Run

Christmas Fayre

PP and SEND Afternoon

Children in Need and Antibully Week

Whole School

EYFS Parents

Whole School

Whole School

Whole School

Whole School

Elder Class

Year 4

Whole School

Whole School

Parents of children who have SEND or are PP

Whole School


Carols around the Christmas Tree

Christingle Service at St Michael's

Advent Reflections

Candle-lit Carol Service

Golden Book Celebration - Weekly

KS1 Nativity

Seedlings and EYFS Nativity

Bench ball Competition

Pastor Tom Led Worship

Cedar Class

Year 4 Swimming at Melksham Oak Community Campus

Whole School

Middle School

Whole school

Whole School

Whole School


Seedlings and EYFS

Year 3 and Year 4

Whole School

Cedar Class Parents

Year 4


Term 3 and 4 Newsletters

Golden Book Celebration - Weekly

Chestnut Class Worship

Humanities Family Learning Morning

Melksham Oak Bench Ball Tournament

Year 3 Swimming at Melksham Oak Community Campus

Whole School

Whole School

Chestnut Parents

Whole School



Year 3


Golden Book Celebration - Weekly

Dance Festival- Bath

Rowan Class Worship

Netball Tournament

Year 3 Swimming at Melksham Oak Community Campus

Whole School

Whole School

KS2 Parents

Sycamore Parents


Birch Class Worship

Year 3 Swimming at Melksham Oak Community Campus

Lent Reflections

Lower School Lent Service

Walk Safe in School

Year 3 Roman Bath Trip

Tag Rugby Competition

West Wilts Tag Rugby Competition

Golden Book Worship

Easter Service

Golden Book (Weekly)

Art and DT Family Learning Morning

Birch Class Worship

Sycamore Class Worship

Year 3 Swimming at Melksham Campus

Birch Parents

Whole School

Lower School Parents

Whole School

Year 3

Year 3

Year 3

Year 5/6

Whole School

Whole School

Whole School

Whole School

Birch Parents

Sycamore Parents

Year 3


Golden Book Celebration - Weekly

Book Fair April 2024

Year 4 Residential- Wye Valley

Parent Forum

Year 3 Swimming at Melksham Oak Community Campus

Ash Class Worship

Whole School

Whole School

Year 4

Whole School

Year 3

Year 1


Take one Picture-Art Gallery for Parents

Golden Book Celebration - Weekly

PTA Disco

Year 5 Swimming at Melksham Oak Community Campus

Parent Forum

Family Learning Morning

New EYFS Parent Morning 2024-2025

Elm Class Worship

Whole School

Whole School

Whole School

Whole School and local community

Year 3

Whole School

Whole School

New Parents

Year 1


Golden Book Celebration - Weekly

Seedlings Sports Day

Whole School Sports Day

Year 6 Residential- Black Rock

Year 6 Swimming at Melksham Oak Community Campus

Parent Forum

Outdoor Classroom Day

Pear Class Worship

Apple Class Worship

Whole School


Whole School

Year 6

Year 6

Whole School

Whole School

Foundation Stage

Foundation Stage


Golden Book Celebration - Weekly

Foundation Stage- Stay and Play for Cohort 2024-2025

Year 6 Bike Ability

Year 1 Trip to Longleat

Music Concert 2024

KS2 Production- The Greatest Showman

Year 6 Leaver's Service at St Michael's Church

PTA End of Year Disco

Whole School

New Parents

Year 6

Year 1

Whole School

Whole School

Year 6

Whole School